Getting Sober Without AA What Are Your Options?

I worked with a sponsor and did the Steps, which gave me tons of invaluable insight into myself and my experience. I learned heaps of strategies that help me not drink. Being honest with yourself means asking, “Am I ready for this?

What is the best revenge for someone who hurt you?

  • Allow yourself to experience and deal with your emotions. If you need to feel pain, do so.
  • Do things that make you happy. Go out and see a movie with friends.
  • Sometimes, being happy can be a form of revenge in and of itself.

However, I am thankful that it is there and if I ever encounter someone who I think would benefit from going to meetings and stopping drinking, I would gladly take them. What I just dis was delete from my phone my last AA friend who I knew for 13 yrs. Yet…the “quality & type” of support no longer works for me today. I have moved beyond the friendships where prying into your personal life and constantly inquiring about your “spiritual” life is just of no value to me anymore. That friendship dynamic used to work but no longer works. She is one of the 2 friends that did not immediately drop me when I “left”.

How To Get Sober and Stay Sober Longer

Addiction support groups, such as narcotics anonymous, can help you learn new coping skills, develop negative thinking patterns and remind you that you are not alone. Do not allow COVID-19 to stop you from seeking the care you need. We are here to answer your questions and alleviate any concerns. Furthermore, exercising is good for your overall health. Expertsrecommend that people participate in at least thirty minutes of moderate exercise every day.

That is a philosophy that is supposed to enhance your life, not limit it. I only go to 2-3 meetings a week because I found that by forcing myself to go to meetings, I was developing a resentment towards AA. Last time I began to question AA , I had 2 years sober, stopped going to meetings, stopped calling people from the rooms, and ended up relapsing. Just be careful that you are not questioning AA because you are developing a resentment for the people in AA. You must always remember, there a a lot of sick people in AA.

Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHPs)

If you’re in recovery from a substance use disorder, you already know how much work it took to achieve sobriety, and you’ll want to do everything possible to avoid having a relapse. It may seem that relapse is the last thing that could happen to you, but the truth is they are very common for people new to recovery.

get sober without aa

These are a few options open to people who want to get or stay sober without the framework of Alcoholics Anonymous. Alcoholics Anonymous is a well established program for maintaining sobriety and has been so prevalent in the recovery community that it has become synonymous with recovery. An estimated 2 million members work through the 12 steps worldwide, and AA literature has been translated into more than 100 languages. 2) For an individual with a psychiatric disorder, the AA program is counterproductive to clean living and exacerbates the symptoms, particularly encouraging dependency on others. This is the absolute worst direction for an individual with a personality disorder. At a glance, these messages make sense, but in reality, they are not practical.

Online Alcohol Assessments: Where to Find Them & Should You Trust Them?

It is normal to have some feelings of uncertainty and discomfort when you decide to stop drinking, but over the long term, sobriety comes with numerous benefits. An alternative to AA is SMART Recovery, which does not use the 12-Step model. I have lost the willingness required to carry on, along with being open in meetings or with other AA clones wanting to drive me back into the rooms. I’d rather be completely free from all the complicated talk and trying to remember all the cliches.

If I do end up drinking and it gets bad, I hope nothing happens to me or anybody else, and I would have another chance at AA. Some feel like that is reason enough to keep on going to meetings forever. I still don’t like going to meetings so I made a choice to not go and not drink. Some also say alcoholism is a disease an some say it’s not. I don’t care if it is or not, I drink alcoholically and I don’t want bad things to happen to me, so I can’t drink. It is that first drink, I tried for years on my own without the support group. Bad things still happen but I don’t deal with it drinking.

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It is essential to believe in your ability and not see relapse as a complete failure. There is always the chance to learn from your setbacks and continue your recovery process. Staying sober can be a challenge and is often not straightforward.

We would be happy to help you create the treatment plan that is best for you. During inpatient addiction treatment, you might have gone through detox and learned about co-occurring mental health issues related to alcohol and substance use disorders. After treatment, getting back into the real world can be scary.

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Other people hang powerful quotations around their homes. This may give them the courage to make it through their days without drinking. Others place encouraging words on their phones, desks, get sober without aa and around their workspaces. They do this to provide constant reminders of how wonderful the world can be without alcohol. Once people decide to stop drinking, they may choose to attend AA.

get sober without aa

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